All kids deserve to play.


As a child, most of us can recall recess being one of our favourite “classes”. Running around on the lawn, playing imaginary games with our friends, and, of course, playing on the playground! A playground is a land of imagination- sometimes the ground is lava, other times it’s a castle you need to defend, but it is always an excellent tool to exercise both the body and the mind.

Onoway Parents Educational Fundraising Association (OPEFA) is passionate about giving ALL children the freedom to create these childhood memories, regardless of their physical ability.

Unfortunately, the decade-old play structure designated for grades 1-3 at Onoway Elementary School is not accessible to all students. The lack of ramps and the gravel separating the tarmac from the play structure makes it inaccessible to students with physical limitations.

OES PLAYGROUND ENHANCEMENT PROJECT is a fundraising initiative to replace our smaller, south side playground with a safer, more inclusive structure.

Playgrounds are not included as part of the provincial education budget, so the responsibility to raise funds falls to the families of students and the communities that surround the school.

We have selected a playground that will allow all children to access the structure and be able to play with their classmates during recess. The new playground is estimated to cost $120,000, which includes the removal of old structures and the installation of new equipment. Playgrounds are not included as part of the provincial education budget, so the responsibility to raise funds falls to the families of students and the communities that surround the school.

All donations made to OES PLAYGROUND ENHANCEMENT PROJECT will go directly to the new playground structure. This playground has been carefully selected to offer access to children of all abilities from our school and our local community. We are asking that you please consider making a donation towards this project. No donation is too small and each one is greatly appreciated. A tax receipt will be provided upon request.

If you are able to make a donation (and once again, anything you can give is appreciated), please contact us at

Business Donations

We also know that many parents/guardians from our school work outside the home- would your place of employment consider making a donation? We have recognition packages set up for businesses who make donations in qualifying amounts and would be happy to send an information package to your workplace. Please contact us at (780) 915-6570 or for more information.