Your receipt makes a difference!

Our local grocery store, Bigway Foods in Onoway, has partnered with us to help us enrich the educational experiences of children in our community.

By dropping your receipt in the donation box before leaving the grocery store, you are helping us raise funds and enrich the experience of all children attending our local elementary school.

New playground equipment and upgraded technology are just a few examples of the ways OPEFA and Onoway Elementary School use these funds raised to make a difference in the lives of the students at OES!

To donate:

  1. After checking out, write “Onoway Elementary” or “OES” on the back of your receipt.

  2. Drop it in the box by the exit (there is a white box on the window sill, behind the bottled water, right before the door to exit the store). You have 2 weeks from the time of purchase to drop your receipt in the entry box.

  3. A portion of your receipt total will be donated to the school by Bigway Foods. Every dollar you purchased equals 1 point. Once a school accumulates 5000 points, it will receive $100 from Bigway Foods!

It’s really that simple. Thank you for helping us make a difference!